P, in her home.
Manila, PH 2016

I don’t even remember how I found her. The internet is such an amazing universe in itself.
It allowed me to discover like minded people and create these virtual-turned-reality relationships with them.

However, Patrice is unlike any other person I’ve ever met. She had that energy that instantly drew me in to her world. It wasn’t even the nudity. It was her perspective on life. She would write about her story, her experiences, her beliefs, some poems. Ah yes, her poems. I met her under her moniker poeticallydumb. I’ve been following her growth ever since.

She messages you with cute stickers. She is surprisingly very approachable.

I remember the first time I approached her online. She didn’t find me a creep, she was very humble, she was easy to talk to like I felt she was an old friend.Every conversation I have with her, I end up learning so much. I remember that one time we did an interview of her and by the end of it I just wanted to cry. I felt awake. I felt enlightened. I felt healed.

That is the effect of Patrice. I’m sure everyone who knows her feels the same way. Her energy is so infectious. She doesn’t mind sharing knowledge, spreading awareness, giving love. In a world saturated by false pretences, she is real. She is rare. Stripped down and naked, she comes as she is. She bares her soul to people she doesn’t even know. And even without realising, she inspires.

Anyone who’s followed her from before would know her journey. She is the lotus flower, emerged from the mud.

She exudes glorious feminine power. She is soft yet strong. She embraces her spiritual and physical beings. There is so much more I want to say about her. I am filled with rich excitement telling you about her, because I want more people to know that souls like her exist. That it is possible to embrace your fullness, flaws and all.

There is nothing I can write that can summarise her beautiful soul but I hope these photographs of her capture it just the same.

To fully know your body, to know its capabilities, its nuances, its movements,
to fully be aware of its form and embrace it; that is Patrice.
A relentless self-love radiates from her energy.
That afternoon with her has forced me to look at my own body,
to ask why I’ve never loved myself that way and why I still struggle to.
How many facets of yourself are you aware of?
And how do you completely be in tune with all of them at once?
Have you ever met anyone that had no manifestations of Ego?
Just pure light?

P is a self-portrait photographer, writer, voice talent, tarot reader, medical marijuana advocate,
and most likely a goddess in her past life.

My moments with her are few and far apart but have always been highlights of my life journey.
I am grateful for our friendship.
I will always be thankful that the universe aligned our stars.